sâmbătă, 7 septembrie 2013

AnyData modem ADU-510l (Romtelecom clicknet) installationRomtelecom clicknet installation under Linux operating systems - AnyData modem ADU-510l

AnyData modem ADU-510l (Romtelecom clicknet) installation
under Linux operating systems

The tests were made on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 6.4 , kernel 2.6.32-358.11.1.el6.x86_64.

Obs.: The internet stick AnyData ADU-510l has two operating modes:USB Storage and Modem. For switching between those two modes we will use an application: usb_modeswitch.

Steps for connecting to internet using AnyData ADU-510l:

  1. - if necessary, upgrade it:
    #yum upgrade usb_modeswitch
    - if no package was found, install it:
    #yum install usb_modeswitch
  2. After successfully installing the usb_modeswitch we will have some new files:
    - executable file: /usr/sbin/usb_modeswitch
    - a directory with files containing details for multiple devices needed by usb_modeswitch for switching to modem role: /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/. The file needed by AnyData ADU-510l it's: /etc/usb_modeswitch.d/05c6:1000:uMa=AnyDATA, and has the following content:
  3. Plug the modem in the USB port, wait for both LEDs to turn on and check if AnyData ADU-510l modem was recognized by Linux:
    - check usb devices installed in the system:
    - wait for 1 minute and issue the lsub command again and check if you have the same output. If not, go to step 6.
    - after plugging the usb modem, check /sys/bus/usb/devices for the newest entry – in our case it is: /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1:
  4. Create an executable file: /tmp/clicknet with the following content (the path /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1/power/level was determined in the previous step, and can differ, depending on the available USB port):

    - when creating a new file, it's not executable by default. In our case the rights for the file are: 644 (user=rw-, group=r--, other=r--)
    -make the file /tmp/clicknet executable (an x will be displayed for user in the file description):
- if the execution of /tmp/clicknet hangs, press Ctrl+C, unplug the modem and go to step 5.
  1. After executing /tmp/clicknet, check again for the installed USB devices:
    - at this moment AnyData modem ADU-510l is seen by OS as a modem, and not as a USB Storage as it was by default
    - if the highlighted result from the picture above it's not reflected in your terminal, go back to step 3.
  2. Install wvdial (Point-to-Point Protocol dialer):
    #yum install wvdial
    -when WvDial starts it first loads the configuration from /etc/wvdial.conf
    -wvdialconf will probe the comm ports, looking for a modem and determine the capabilities of any modem it finds. The results will be saved in the file specified as a parameter when invoking wvdialconf
    #wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf
    -edit /etc/wvdial.conf: Phone, Username, Password items with the values as in the picture bellow. All other fields where automatically filled by wvdialconf command.

  1. Run wvdial in a terminal (do not close this terminal):
  2. Stop NetworkManager service:
    #service NetworkManager stop
  3. Set the DNS Servers by adding two lines in the /etc/resolv.conf file. All the other lines will be commented by placing a # sign at the beginning of each line.

  4. Add a new route, by setting as default gateway the remote ip address of the ppp0 connection:
    #route add default gw ppp0
  5. To end the internet connection press Ctrl+C in the terminal opened in step 7.
  6. After restart, the network setting will be lost and will revert to previously settings.

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